Friday, October 28, 2016

'An Hour of Code'...Code [program] every day!

The Hour of Code event has been relatively successful over the years, but most teachers and subjects simply do not find it useful. In my programming courses, we 'code' every day. So the challenge for me is how to get more students/people involved and how do I get those interested, more invested in becoming better programmers. 

1. In-School programming challenges and/or club: future plans will include a weekly programming challenge to the student/staff body. To help guarantee the integrity of the event, participants should be gathered in a central location to demonstrate their abilities in person. As is often the case, too many students 'over-rely' on the internet, so having students show what they are capable of in real-time is crucial. Last and this year has been a revelation for me. More time/effort is needed to develop projects and programming assignments that can not be readily "googled", copied and pasted. 
2. Programming camps, summer and/or after-school. 
3. In addition to teaching the HS level programming courses, teach MS level courses to "bring up" the next batch of programming students and create a direct connection between the middle and upper school. Expose the students to the upper school campus. Great way to advertise and retain students.  MS-level students should learn to program Python, Java immediately.
4. Help train lower/middle school teachers in the instruction of programming principles using more interactive language/platforms. ie. Scratch.
5. Get students programming "earlier." That is, there is little to no reason why 6th graders, for example, cannot begin programming in an authentic programming paradigm. Get students programming Python and Java and other languages w/o the need for a interface that is more graphical, drag-n-drop in nature. 
6. Promote sound programming practices AND creativity. Create more opportunities for students to be creative, adaptive and competitive. Develop environments that allow students to create more efficient self-contained hacking environments or simulations that involve a potential real-world problem or condition.


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